Monday, May 19, 2008

2008 election called by Bill Kristol

It’s official – Obama has won the 2008 election. The actual polls need not even open.

One needs only to follow the simple laws of logic. Modus ponendo ponens holds that in every case where P→Q and P is asserted Q will always hold true. In this case let P=“William Kristol states n” and let Q=”it is necessarily the case that ¬n.” So, the sentence “if William Kristol says n, then it is necessarily the case that ¬n” becomes a familiar instance of modus ponens; P→Q, P, therefore Q. In this instance Kristol states in a New York Times Op-Ed piece that McCain will stand a good chance of defeating Obama in the general election. So, n≈”McCain will win against Obama.” Therefore it is not the case that McCain will win against Obama. Quod erat demonstrandum.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I am so tired of this election

I don’t think that I am capable of voting for Hilary. I certainly won’t vote for McCain. If she somehow gets the nomination, my vote will go to a third party candidate. I don’t care if McCain wins. He is the same as her. If Obama gets the nomination and loses the election it will be almost entirely her fault.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I am pro-death. I favor abortion rights and I like guns. I think that the inclination to remove guns from the arms of citizens is a well intentioned, but ultimately flawed intention of left-wingers. I happen to agree with many of their ideas about human rights and the like. However, disarming America leaves the door open for the final subjugation of American freedom.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Blue Cross of California asks Doctors to rat out their patients

"The state's largest for-profit health insurer is asking California physicians to look for conditions it can use to cancel their new patients' medical coverage.Blue Cross of California is sending physicians copies of health insurance applications filled out by new patients, along with a letter advising them that the company has a right to drop members who fail to disclose "material medical history," including "pre-existing pregnancies." - By Lisa Girion, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer February 12, 2008

Well another sad chapter in American health care. BC of CA is a non-profit, so hopefully they aren’t looking for too much personal gain and are trying in vain to keep health care costs down.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Dr Phil is a douchebag

Apparently he has totally gone over the edge. Confidentiality doesn't apply to him. Peep this NY Times article. This guy was a licensed psychologist in Texas for 20 years apparently. For some reason he was invited to see Britney in her hospital room by her extremely well family. Then he spilled the beans about it to the media, because...because....what else would he do?
Glad to see that the helping professions are being repped to the masses by this self aggrandizing megalomaniacal narcissist. God bless you Phil McGraw.